Ordo Sanguinis Noctis 'Zakon Nocnej Krwi' LP
Malacath 'Eternal Roar of the Thunder and Rain' CD
Old Grief 'Far Away From Worthless Human's Fawning' LP
Lucifugum 'Anaphora Lithu Actinism' CD
Summon 'Fire Turns Everything Black / Devourer Of Souls' 12"
Grave Upheaval 'Untitled' LP
Baxaxaxa 'Catacomb Cult' LP
Baxaxaxa 'De Vermis Mysteriis' LP
Satanic Corpse 'Belial' CD
Black Cilice 'Atavistic Possessions' 12"
Lucifugum 'Instinct Prevelance' CD
Abigail 'Blasphemy Night' 12"
Grimwald 'Fatherland' LP
Wampyrinacht 'We Will Be Watching - Les Cultes De Satan Et Les Mystères De La Mort' LP
Dark Fury 'Strzelać, Żeby Zabić!' CD
Nebiros 'Guerreros De Lucifer' LP
House Of Atreus 'Orations' LP
Howls Of Ebb / Khthoniik Cerviiks 'With Gangrene Edges / Voiidwarp' LP
Infernal Blast 'Wolves Elitism Speech' CD
Helleborus 'The Carnal Sabbath' CD
Darkflight 'The Hereafter' CD
Drama / Perdition Winds 'split' CD
Isgärde 'Jag Enslig Skall Gå' CD
Skeptikon 'Inner Eschaton' CD
Old Throne 'Pedras e Ossos Remanescentes do Túmulo da Ilusão' CD
Ordo Sanguinis Noctis 'Zakon Nocnej Krwi' CD
Dark Fury / Evil 'We Know How To Hate' CD
Temple Of Wolf 'Marsz' CD
Sacred Whore 'Foul Dominator' CD-r
Dark Fury "This Story Happened Before" 12"
Dark Fury "Flooded Lands" 12"
Psychotomimetic 'Delirio Dimensional' tape
Aparthiva Raktadhara 'Adyapeeth Maranasamhita (আদ্যাপীঠ মরণসংহিতা)' tape
Pestilength 'Demo MMXIX' tape
Hanghedief "Overduyvelsche Boosheit" tape
666 "Ave Satan!" CD
Abaroth "Dosed" tape
Abaroth "Emissary of the Void" tape
Abhor 'Ab Luna Lucenti, ab Noctua Protecti' LP
Abigail 'Sweet Baby Metal Slut' LP
Abigail "Ultimate Unholy Death" tape
Abigail / Lustrum (white vinyl) 'Too Wild for the Crowd' 7"
Abigail / Lustrum 'Too Wild for the Crowd' 7"
Abigail / Nekrofilth 'Fuck In Hell's Evil Bitches' tape
Abigail / Vulcan Tyrant "split" CD
Abigail / Winds Of Gėnocide "Satanik Apokalyptic Kamikaze Kommandos" CD
Abominablood "The Rotten Smell of the Entities That Murmur" CD
Absintdebellum "Exterminati Obliteratio Omnium" CD
Abvulabashy 'Upon The Altar Ov Lucifer' tape
Abysmal Lord 'Storms Of Unholy Black Mass' CD
Accursed Christ / Twilight is Mine "By the End of All Worlds split" CD